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And I shall cast out on thee thine abominations, and I shall punish thee with despites, and I shall put thee into ensample. (And I shall cast out upon thee thy abominations, and I shall punish thee with despising, and I shall make thee into an example.)

And it shall be, each man that shall see thee, shall leap away from thee, and shall say, Nineveh is destroyed. Who shall move head on thee? whereof shall I seek to thee a comforter? (And it shall be, that all who shall see thee, shall leap away from thee, and shall say, Nineveh is destroyed. Who shall shake their head in pity over thee? And now where shall I find a comforter for thee?)

Whether thou art better than Alexandria of peoples, that dwelleth in floods? Waters be in compass thereof, whose riches is the sea, waters be [the] walls thereof. (Art thou any better than Thebes, or No, of the peoples of Egypt, which is set by the river? Water is all around it, and its protection cometh from the sea, yea, the waters be its walls.)

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